Donate to Us

Want to support our team? Make your contribution!

We really appreciate your time and attention.

You can also make a donation by bank details:

NGO “Save Dnipro”
Bank Code: 43436467
IBAN UA473052990000026000050513272
Purpose: “Voluntary contribution for statutory activities”

What are we raising funds for?

Greening of industrial enterprises.
Total air quality monitoring.
Opening and digitalization of environmental data.
Restoration of green infrastructure.
Strengthening environmental safety.

This is not just a dream. This is our big ambitious goal. And our daily work.

Thank you for helping our NGO!

Підтримай внеском

Дякуємо, що хочеш допомогти нашому ГО стабільно розвиватися!

Аби підтримати нас, перейди за цим посиланням.